Laboratory Head
A/Prof Noushin Nasiri is the Head of the Nanotech Laboratory at the School of Engineering. Her research team is focused on design and fabrication of nanostructured materials, functionalised coatings, miniaturized sensing technologies and wearable devices for health, energy and environmental applications.
She is one of 2023 Eureka Prize for Outstanding Early Career Researcher finalists, and Australia’s 2021-2022 Superstars of STEM, and the recipient of 2024 ARC Industry Fellowship, 2023 NSW Cancer Institute Fellowship, 2022 L'Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science Fellowship, 2021 Royal Society of New South Wales Warren Prize and 2019 NSW Young Tall Poppy Science Award.
She currently serves as the Chair of Global IEEE Nanotechnology Council (NTC) – Women in Nanotechnology (WIN) Committee and deputy director of Smart Green Cities Research Centre at Macquarie University.
She is a passionate science communicator who has received considerable outside recognition for her research including TEDx Sydney Salon 2017, TEDx Macquarie University 2019 and TEDx Bligh Street 2020 and ABC Ockham’s Razor 2018.
Postdoctoral Researchers
Jayden Chen
Postdoctoral Researcher
BEng, MEng (ZJUT), PhD (MQ Uni)
Research Interests:
Nanostructured Ultraporous Films, Gas Sensors, Photodetectors, Nanofabrication
Rajdeep Chakraborty
Research Assistant
BDS (WBUHS), MSc (LU), MRes (MQ Uni), PhD (MQ Uni)
Research Interests:
Liquid-based cortisol detection technique, Nanosensing technology, Tissue engineering, 3D cell culture
Sheyda Mirjalali
Research Assistant
BEng, MEng (AUT), PhD (MQ Uni)
Research Interests:
Wearable Sensors, Electrospining, Polymers, Piezoelectric Sensros, Nanofibers
Higher Degree Researchers
Graham Morrison
PhD Researcher
BSc(Hons), MSc Eng (UCT)
Research Interests:
Electron microscopy, light metals, packaging, materials science and engineering
Mellissa Hardtke
PhD Researcher
BComp (Monash), Mres (MQ Uni)
Research Interests:
Systems Engineering, communications systems
Kosta Hanania
PhD Researcher
BEng, MRes (MQ Uni)
Research Interests:
Nanoparticles Self-assembly, Nanofabrication, Nanocomposites
Reza Behboodian
PhD Researcher
BEng, MEng (CQU), MRes (MQ Uni)
Research Interests:
UV Photodetectors, Hybrid Nanocomposites, Medical Devices, Gas Sensors
Sara Abtahi
PhD Researcher
Master of Medicine
Research Interests:
Guided bone regeneration, bioactive barrier membranes, tissue engineering
Aisan Nouri
PhD Researcher
Master of Medicine
Research Interests:
Tissue engineering, biomimetic dentistry, resin composites
Zachary Stosic
PhD Researcher
BEng, Mres (MQ Uni)
Research Interests:
Optical characterisation, Optical modelling, Flexible Nanosensors, Light Sensors
Nour Manifikhi
PhD Researcher
BEng, MRes (MQ Uni)
Research Interests:
Material characterisation, anti-corrosion coatings, material’s mechanical properties
Md Harun Or Rashid
PhD Researcher
BPharm, MPharm (DIU)
Research Interests:
Queen bee pheromones, polymer chemistry, Biochemical sensors, Non-invasive devices
Luke Taglini
PhD Researcher
BEng, MRes (MQ Uni)
Research Interests:
Surface functionalisation, hydrophilic/hydrophobic coatings, Biomimicry
George Gill
Master of Research
BEng (MQ Uni)
Research Interests:
Nanoparticles self-assembly, particle deposition modelling, nanoparticle simulations
Alireza Gholamhoseini
PhD Researcher
BEng, MEng (AUT), MRes (MQ Uni)
Research Interests:
Electrospinning, polymer, nanofibers, pressure sensors, shear sensors
Rofida Hussien
Master of Research
BSci (AZU), MSci (CU)
Research Interests:
Nanomaterial synthesis, metal oxide conversion, sulphate conversion
Coursework Students
Undergraduate / BEng(Hons)
Brigette Gill
Highly sensitive nanostructured gas sensors for selective detection of hydrogen gas molecules
Aarjav Nirajbhai Shah
Self-healing concrete
2023 Graduates
Reza Behboodian, Mres (HDR)
ZnO-PEDOT:PSS nanocomposites as high performance inorganic/organic hybrid UV photodetectors
Ryan Wreyford, Mres (HDR)
Electrospun nanofibers as highly efficient superhydrophobic nanostructures
Zachary Stosic, Mres (HDR)
Optical performance and UV detection properties of ZnO nanofilms
Timothy Mavritsky, BEng(Hons)
Hydrophilic nanostructures with excellent humidity tolerance
Lochlann Marmara, BEng(Hons)
Hydrophobic anti-reflective coatings for solar panel efficiency
Wesley Cheung, BEng(Hons)
Design and calibration of electrospining machine with rotating drum collector
2022 Graduates
Adnin Tazrih Natasha, Mres (HDR)
Wearable UV detector for real-time UV index monitoring
Jeff Huang, Mres (HDR)
Low-temperature processing of porous ZnO for flexible sensing applications
Luke Taglini, BEng (Hons)
Uniform dispersion of carbon nanotubes on copper particles
Christian Estrella, BEng (Hons)
Efficient deposition and collection of nanoparticles
Lovejeet Sharma, BEng (Hons)
ZnO/Polymer nanocomposites for UV photodetection
Roy Chen, BEng (Hons)
Metal-Organic-Framwork-based nanomembranes for water treatment