NTL End of the Year Celebration. Bye 2024 !!
Graducation Ceremony of our stars, Jayden, Nour, Luke, Wesley and Christian
Nour submitting her Mres thesis!
Luke submitting his Mres thesis!
Jayden submitting his PhD thesis!
ZrO2 film on Si wafer, grown by CVD after successful seeding process by FSP! by Superstar Nour!
What a day! Zach and Reza's graduation ceremony, with Mellissa as occasional speaker!
our new electrospinning machine, design and made by Wesley, supervised by Ryan
Luke exploring the potential of using FPS in his Mres project!
Nour presenting her Mres project to the Judge!
Luke presenting his Mres project to the Judge!
Adnin is enjoying her time at the machining workshop!
Mellissa presenting at 2023 HDR conference!
First CNT grown in NanoTechLab (by Luke)!
First PE-CVD grown nanostructure in NanoTechLab (by Nour)!
As perfectly demonstrated by Ryan, Safety First!
Our first flame-girl at NanoTech Lab!
Zach submitting his Master of Research thesis!
Nour and Ryan showcasing our research at NanoTech Lab to St John's College's students!
Nour and Ryan showcasing our research at NanoTech Lab to St John's College's students!
Jayden presenting at Smart Green Cities Research Centre
Reza presenting his project at Smart Green Cities Research Centre
Ryan submitting his Master of Research thesis!
Super proud of our very own Zach, National champion of 3x3 Basketball
Zach operating the FSP machine to fabricate ultrafine aerosols
Highly transparent metal oxide nanofilm, by Zach
Welcoming Nour and Luke to our NanoTeech Lab team!
Highly sensitive miniaturised gas sensor, by Jayden
End of the year celebration at NanoTechLab!
Adnin presenting her paper at ICST15 Sydney
Zach presenting his paper at ICST15 Sydney
Nour is now a certified Engineer!!
Jayden won best oral presentation prize! Well done, Jayden!
Mellissa presenting her Master of Research Project!
Jayden presenting his PhD project.
Graham presenting his PhD project
Jayden, Ryan and Zach preparing precursor to spray
Zach igniting the pilot to fabricate ZnO nanofilms
Ryan spraying ZnO nanoparticles using Flame Spray Pyrolysis
Highly transparent porous ZnO nanofilm on glass substrate, by Ryan!